Friday, July 08, 2005

Nail Biting

Ok. the time has come where I am truly annoying my husband with my nail biting. I need to quit. I don't want to, and I probably won't stop biting them altogether, but for his sanity I must stop doing it in front of him. How am I supposed to go about doing this? I have tried EVERYTHING to quit: icky tasting solution (I thought it tasted good, like cayenne peppers), getting a manicure (I felt like it was a waste of money) , wearing bandaids (yeah that's attractive and makes me look like I got attacked by a glucose monitoring kit), being offered money (hey mom- does that "deal" you made me in fourth grade still count if I stop biting my nails now???), etc...... and nothing seems to work. Or, it's a quick fix. I stopped biting my nails exactly 2 weeks before our wedding, and promptly went to town on them the day after on the plane to the French Polynesia. My motivation? At the wedding, I wanted to take the infamous 'newly married hands on the Bible' picture. That's it.
My nails are like a good old friend. I bite them when I'm scared, when I'm bored, when I am thinking, when I'm driving, when I'm furious, when I'm excited...basically all the time. Not because I'm hungry (mom) or trying to annoy people (Randy). How do I stop myself from biting them in front of people? It's second nature for me to casually put my nails in my mouth without even knowing I did so until Randy nudges me and gives me "the look". If I don't respond to his stare, I get the "Kristi! STOP BITING YOUR NAILS! PLEASE!!!!". Help me!!!!!!


nathan stryker said...

did lisa post on your blog?

KBugg said...

I have no clue. I don't think so.

KBugg said...

oh I get it. I'm a little slow right now. she has that whole nail biting thing going on too, huh?

Anonymous said...


KBugg said...

I wonder how Randy feels about putting clear nail polish in our monthly budget. Does Smart & Final sell cases of it?
(Note: hey mom- all caps = yelling. Try to remain civil, ok? No need to get so worked up on nail polish).

nathan stryker said...

yeah, almost word for word: quit two weeks before marriage, manicures, fake nails, "nasty" tasting stuff...everything!

Anonymous said...

try one or more of these suggestions. 1) get up in the morning and say, "Good Morning, World! I don't bite my nails!" Then every few minutes say, "I don't bite my nails. I don't like biting my nails. I would never bit my nails. I hate biting my nails." stuff like that. people will think you are nuts, but that's ok. 2) get alot of candy and stuff to chew on and every time you get tempted to bite, bite something delicious and keep saying all that other stuff. you should only gain 20 or 30 lbs by the time you've broken the habbit. 3) wear fake nails for at least 30 days don't bite them, they are made of cancer causing petrolium products 4) give yourself a reward for every day that you go without biting. you know stuff like spa treatments, trips to hawaii, little things like that. every day! 5) wear socks on your hands especially in stressful situations, like at work and school. if you find you can bit through the socks, you will probably have to tie your hands behind your back. tricky but well worth the effort 6)have randy agree to make a public spectacle of you if you ever dare to move your hand near your mouth. this will really enhance your marriage relationship also. 7)have randy hypnotize you by dangling a kitten in front of your face and saying "kitties are your friends" over and over for about 15 minutes while you keep repeating the aforrmentioned phrases. you will go into such a hyper alergic state of sneezing and wheezing that you won't even think about biting. You'll have to do this every few days. good luck and let us know how it goes.

KBugg said...

Well, I've tried numbers 1,2,& 3 but they didn't work. Number 4- it's a lot cheaper to buy my nails than to go to Hawaii, but I'll discuss it with management to see what he thinks. Number 5- I would probably fit in better if I chose latex gloves over wearing socks, but then I might look like I'm O.C. if I run around with gloves on. Especially if I start chewing on the latex HOWEVER- I would like to point out that I don't bite my nails at the hospital. I have trained myself not too. For some reason, I think that it's utterly disgusting to bite them there but not out in the real world where there's just as many germs. Hmmm... Number 6- as if he doesn't make a public spectable every time I do it anyway. What other husband nudges his wife and yells "no biting!" to his wife in the middle of Target?!? And number 7- having allergy attacks would make me crazy and nervous and, refer back to my original post, those are some of the triggers. I'm a hopeless cause. Maybe Hawaii would work. I'll have a talk with my nails and Randy right away.

Anonymous said...

It is very easy. Just stop.

Anonymous said...

Kris, I have to agree with you loving husband, but i don't think it's so much the bitting, but the sound you make when you're bitting that is distrubing, at least for me. I honestly don't know how to help you. I have my own vices, but I came to a point in my life where i wanted my hands to look somewhat attractive, if people see my hands and nails I want them to think oh, wow she's got nice hands, not oh she was hungry today. So that's what made me stop bitting.

I hear ya about just doing it because it's always been apart of your life, but if your driving you husband crazy, Then maybe we need to have an exorcism and pull the evil nail bitting demon out of you...juat a thought!