Wednesday, September 07, 2005


That's exactly how much it cost me to fill up my little VW Beetle today. A four cylinder, 12 gallon 2 door hatchback. I hit my record. I couldn't even imagine how much it costs for an SUV or big 'ol station wagon. Come on, people. Let's here it: how much does it cost you to fill up one tank?


jacquie said...

we had to fill both cars this weekend. they were not empty but we figured it's not getting any better so we might as well do it now. 45.00 for the van and 40.00 for the mazda. i keep getting emails about boycots so i think i will join ever one i hear about. so far, no gas purchases on sundays, and no gas purchases from chevron or exon. or is it mobile and chevron? or is it exon or mobile? shoot.

KBugg said...

I just stick to USA Gas or Valero. Yeah, I'm a "cheap gas" purchaser. Of course, those 2 are probably owned by some bigger oil corporation.

Anonymous said...

Here in southern Indiana it is $2.99 for regular. I did see some south of us for $3.09. It jumped here to $3.19 last week but went down to 2.99 as fast as it went up.
Isn't it amazing that now we look for under $3 per gallon instead of under $2.00 and think its almost a deal. I drive an suv but I really don't have to drive far to work like alot of people have to. I really think it will go down a little more but the "old" days of under $2 is probably long gone. I sure hope I am proven wrong.

Anonymous said...

In Vincennes, Indiana it was up to $3.39 a gal and it cost me $56.00 to fill mine up!!

jacquie said...

sista keri, you are the winner!!!

KBugg said...

I think Keri may get the prize for having the most expensive gas per gallon. Plus, she has a Toyota two door that costs $56.00 to fill up. Not saying that $60.00 is not expensive! I was about to sell my liver to the guy at Valero to knowck atleast 10 bucks off my gas purchase for my beetle.

Anonymous said...

i haven't filled my tank in quite a while, if 20 bucks can't get me there then i just won't be going!

Nick said...

Our goal on this SUNDAY is to find the most expensive CHEVRON station and be the winner of this contest. Fortunately for us, we have both a Chevron and a Mobil within a 1 minute drive, and nothing else within 10 minutes.

jacquie said...

cool. let us know if you are able to squeeze more that $60 worth of gas into your toyota.

by the way, that "no gas on sunday" thing seems stupid. i mean if you don't buy it on sunday, it just means you need more on monday. i think boycotting a company is probably more effective. or maybe cutting down on consumption overall.

that reminds me, we will be going to Visalia this weekend. i guess we'll have to start after the trip.

Anonymous said...

All the oil comes from the same places, so no matter who you get it from the prices will maintain. Those "discount" companies buy oil on the spot market, but prices there have risen resulting in less of a discrepancy between the evil "big" companies and the not quite as evil "discount" ones.

The only way to lower costs, in this economy, is to increase supply and/or decrease demand (or realize that oil can be regulated in a similar fashion as natural gas, electricity, etc.). Since there is no incentive to increase supply on the part of the oil companies in country and out of country, the consumer must decrease demand.

People don't have to stop using vehicles; they just have to not use them so much. I cut my average weekly mileage almost 2/3. Obviously not everyone can do it that drastically. But, if those who can, do that and others cut back a bit, then it will average out to quite a drop in consumption.

And that is my completely un-researched opinion.