Sunday, September 18, 2005

I miss Randy.

He'll be back on Friday, but I've already been crying. :-( How and when did I get to be such a big baby? I get it from my mother. Not that that's a bad thing! I just don't like being left. It's too quiet. Randy's a lot of fun to be around. And I love him.
Please come back soon Randy. WWWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. Its so lonesome with out your man. I wish I lived closer I'd come keep you company.

KBugg said...

Thanks Kristen! :-)

Anonymous said...

It doesn't get any easier either. The really, really good thing about this is that the week WILL go fast and he will be coming home.

KBugg said...

I already have a 6 foot tall Elvis wearing a gold lamae suit cardboard cut out. Maybe I could just chop off Elvis' head and put Randy's on top. But, then again, I couldn't, mustn't do that to the king. I'll just have to wait until Friday to see my love.

KBugg said...

The Ingalls have been keeping me company. Them and my fish (all two of them).