Thursday, April 06, 2006


I guess my sleep schedule (of lack of, I should say) finally caught up with me. Last night I slept 13 hours straight, then I took a 45 minute nap during the day. I think that's a world record for me sleeping when I haven't been sick. My best friend Kristen can sleep for like 24 hours straight. She hibernates. I want to be a hibernater. I felt great today, only now I can't go to sleep and it's after 1 am. Oh well, no pressure. I don't have to be at work until 6:30 pm.

What's your sleeping record?


Anonymous said...

asleep in 4 seconds.

jacquie said...

Healthy sleep record was when I was in High School. I truly felt that I needed 11 hours of sleep each night. I rarely got it, so I'd come home from school and take a nap if possible. That didn't last too long. My mom said I was going through a growth spurt. I topped out at 97 lbs. that year and sprang up to a towering 5'2"! I guess I was just lazy.

Kristi, at least you have a good excuse. You'll adjust.

lnstryker said...

i used to go to school come home nap for three hours do dinner and homework and go back to bed by ten or so even if homework wasn't finished because i was so tired. granted i was depressed, but i could and still can sleep forever. it is my favorite thing to do!!!

lnstryker said...

i used to go to school come home nap for three hours do dinner and homework and go back to bed by ten or so even if homework wasn't finished because i was so tired. granted i was depressed, but i could and still can sleep forever. it is my favorite thing to do!!!

Anonymous said...

I just think you are lazy.

Anonymous said...

When I first moved to Hawaii, I slept over 14 hours the first night, and around 13 hours the next couple nights. After that I guess my body got acclimated to the time or climate or it just "caught up" with its required amount of sleep, because I started sleeping normal amounts of time.

Anonymous said...

That was me.

Anonymous said...

The only time I ever slept a lot was when we went to Sweden. Never have been a big sleeper. I feel like I am wasting precious time that I could be doing more interesting things. Eating and sleeping are just things you HAVE to do. -Martha

nathan stryker said...

i with you on that one martha

Anonymous said...

Eating and sleeping are two of the most beautiful things in life, other than my wife of course. The quiet, peaceful pleasure of the two is made even sweeter by the fact that they are necessities of life, making it so that one does not need to feel guilty wasting time doing them. They are two of the greatest escapes of humanity.

KBugg said...

awww Randy. You make me blush. ;)

When you need to catch up on sleep, I think your body shuts down and lets you rest for however long it needs. Sometimes, you don't have a choice.

jacquie said...

I was just thinking that same thing, Randy. How cool is it that something so absolutely necessary to our survival is so enjoyable. God is so smart!

Anonymous said...

Is this to say that all the other things that I'd rather do are any more or less important? Sure, when you are tired, sleep is great, necessary, but do I love it, no. I guess that is another great thing God did, made us all different.-Martha

jacquie said...

Actually, if you want to get right down to it, yes. Sleeping and eating ARE more important than most of the other things we might like to do. Except maybe breathing and blood circulation. But those aren't as enjoyable as eating and sleeping either. Unless you are breathing High Sierra Mountain air. Now that's enjoyable! Not that the other things you like to do aren't nice and all, it's just that I think you could do without them longer than eating or sleeping. No offense intended, mind you. It's nice that we are all different, and all.

jacquie said...

HUH?????????? Whatever are you talking about? ;) I remember the first time I ever blogged a comment, everyone jumped on my case for being too serious. I just can't get it right, I guess.

Anonymous said...

I said nothing about the "other" things that you want to do. I was merely expressing my like of sleep and eating since it was topical.

You read too much into the comment, which is why I dislike weblogs so much. Everyone reads what they think is being said rather than what is being said.

Anonymous said...

Oops, that was me, again.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that misunderstanding / misinterpretation of what other people say is unique to blogs (or any other electronic means of communication for that matter). I think it's just as common in any other form of communication, it's just not as easy to see because you can't go back and look at it later.