Saturday, May 27, 2006

How Many States have you been to?

I have been to 41 (80% of the USA). Only 9 more to go!!!

create your own visited states map


jacquie said...

That's pretty cool. I've only been to 24. I guess I better get going. I can't believe you've already hit 80%!

Anonymous said...

Thats fun!! I'm doing good here on the west coast but after colorado not to hot. I guess that mean road trip. Seriouly I would love to do a year of home schooling when the kids are older and drive around the country in an RV for a year.

KBugg said...

I am SOOOO with you Kristen! Let's do it together! And the guys can stay home and earn money to pay our way across the country. Ha ha

KBugg said...

WOW! That would be worth it to me. Kids would learn more on that trip than being in a classroom for the same amount of time.

Anonymous said...

You and Randy definitely need to come to Bend soon so you can add Oregon! Then you could drive up to Washington also. Seattle is a really fun big city to visit! I've been to 28 states.

Anonymous said...

whoa! you win! martha

KBugg said...

I was kidding on your blog...I'll make note of it there. If you've driven through, I think you've seen enough and have actually been to that state. Flying over it is another thing that I don't believe should be counted.
I really have actually visited all the states I put down though. I didn't just drive through. We went on lots of family vacations (all were road trips) to see relatives, US landmarks/monuments, and off the beaten path kind of things. I went to some of the states after I was older without my family too. Next I want to mark Hawaii, Washington, and Oregon off. Thanks Heather for the invite!
My country map sucks- having only 2 countries (not counting the US) marked off. Boo!