Friday, September 22, 2006

Patients Say the Darndest Things

Conversation I had today with a patient:
Me: "Hi- I'm Kristi"
Patient: "How do you spell your name?"
Me: "K-R-I-S-T-I"
Patient: "Oh! That's how my friend spells her name. Only she's skinny."


Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Thats a good one. What in the world are people thinking when they say stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

This wasn't a mental patient by any chance, was it?

jacquie said...

at least he/she didn't tell you that his/her twee-twah hurt. i know of one "patient" who did that.

KBugg said...

I didn't really know how to respond. It was bizarre. She's bizarre. She wasn't that old, maybe close to 70.

Twee-twah! HA! Yep that's a bizarre patient too!