Monday, September 11, 2006

Where is WD-40 when you need it?

I hate getting the cart at the grocery store with the bum wheel. The incessent squeal while shopping is like driving around town with your car horn stuck.

Yes, that was me at Vons on Thompson at 10 this morning, just in case you heard me rearing the corner if the frozen foods section.


jacquie said...
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jacquie said...

i always have a problem at target. thump, thump, thump! aaarrrgggghhh!

nathan stryker said...

i try to access the situation before i fully commit to a cart. give it a quick back and forth before roaring from that part of the store.

Anonymous said...

I hate that. There is a cart at our grocery store that makes a little noise at first and then get louder and louder as I add stuff.

KBugg said...

It didn't start making that noise until I began putting things in it. Just like you said, Kristen. By then it would've been too much of a hassle to go back and empty the cart and get a new one.