You know how tigers are becoming extinct creatures, right? Well, sounds like some scientists are doing something about it- IVF. That's right, in-vitro fertilization.
Zoologists are taking a tiger's egg, another's sperm, fertilizing them in a petri dish, and implanting them in a female LION. Lions do well with pregnancy and giving birth in captivity, while Tigers don't. Turns out- it's working- Lions in captivity are now giving birth to Tigers and are raising them as their own (despite the stripes and different colors). The next time you go to the zoo, you may see a lion carrying around her little tiger cubs- weird!
Randy brought up a good point though. Tigers are pretty much solitary animals and lions are pack animals- so won't that totally change how tigers are? Maybe, but I guess at least they can save a species that way.
But if we are only worried about stripes then why not just shave some lions and paint them?
They should at least give the tiger to a lonely tigeress.
well, i think it's good cause those tigers need to learn a little bit about community. and maybe the tigers can teach the lions a little about the benefit of "alone time".
That is so weird! Crazy, crazy. What's next? Elephants carrying hippo babies?
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