Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Just so you know...

No matter how bad it is down in the Gulf, President Bush did not cause Hurricane Katrina. Quick! Someone call Janine Garafalo, Martin Sheen, and Sean Penn to inform them before they open their holes!!


Anonymous said...

I haven't been watching much news on this, but is someone saying he did?

KBugg said...

No! I said "before they open their holes".

nathan stryker said...

talk about a persecution complex...

Anonymous said...

OK, I get it. In the same vein, someone better call all the right-wing talk show people and let them know that it wasn't caused by illegal immigration or terrorists either.

Anonymous said...

The hurricane was caused by global warming. Bush and his pals caused the globe to warm. Connect the dots.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Robert Kennedy did.

KBugg said...

I actually heard some Islamic group in Los Angeles on the radio today stating that Allah caused the hurricane because of the way Islamic people are treated here in the US. It's crazy to think that people would actually try to blame the hurricane on someone else.

jacquie said...

yeah. stop trying to blame it on someone else. i take full responsibility for it. sorry.